"I always get a buzz when I see my name in black and white in an article! To be quoted as an expert on a subject you're really passionate about, really feels fantastic!"

Grazia magazine ⎮ UK Vogue ⎮ In Style
Cosmopolitan ⎮ Psychologies ⎮ Brides
The Times ⎮ The Times webcast ⎮ ES magazine
Conde Naste Traveller ⎮ Marie Claire
I have worked with Amanda on many, many high profile events - BAFTA, London Fashion Week, press launches and junkets and she is always 100% reliable to do an amazing job in any situation. She is quick thinking, quick to react and quick witted - all of which are vital when working in a high octane environment. No matter what I asked of Amanda, no matter how famous the celebrity or dazzling the occasion, I knew she would take it all in her stride with a smile. She is the perfect ambassador for her craft.
She was constantly asked for her advice and tips to appear in magazines such as Glamour, Instyle, Marie Claire, Cosmo and Brides and her work has featured in UK Vogue. The thing with Amanda is that she totally, genuinely and passionately loves make up and she never fails to inspire when asked for her thoughts on the subject. Her enthusiasm is infectious which was a great asset when we did desk visits to beauty editors to launch new products to the press.
These are just some of the many reason I love working with her.